Friday, April 30, 2010

Slow down!

I am thinking a lot right now about slooooooooooooowing down. I look around at the change of season, the sunshine, the flowers blooming and I feel like I'm too busy to enjoy it. What a shame. How hard it is for us to find the balance of the right amount of "busy" and the right amount of rest. I touched on this a bit in a previous post, talking about my struggle with laziness. Since then, the Lord has dolloped on me a huge amount of motivation, annnnnnnnd then allowed it to go away again.Such is life - a little bit of back and forth never hurt anyone, right? 

I think it ends up being about balance. And fighting against my feelings.  I don't *feel* like doing laundry. I don't *feel* like getting out of bed. I don't *feel* like working out. I don't *feel* like reading my bible. And what will I become? A sad and silly lazy, fat, foolish woman of God with no clean clothes.Shame on me. Relying on  my fickle feelings has led me down the wrong path and innumerable amount of times in my life (still does), and the fact that I know this and still let them dictate the choices that I make and the reactions that I have is downright silly. Sad and silly. Feelings will get you into trouble my friends. You've got to rely on what's true, not what you feel.

"Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." James 4:17

Lord, please help me to get my eyes off myself and focused on you. Help me to remember the things I've learned through your Word and not rely on my feelings anymore but on You alone, the Creator of the universe. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

1 comment:

  1. So true, the heart is deceitful and wicked. Trust God's Word, not your feelings, my love!
